our esthetician, gabby, keeps all of the french pharmacie faces looking so fresh and so clean clean. her great attention to detail and in depth consultations will address any problem areas and she will put together a personalized regime for each guest. all the while set in the most relaxing and quiet atmosphere. gabby also offers rejuvinating peels aimed to renew lifeless and dull skin: highly reccomend a customized peel once or twice a year. In addition gabby is skilled in the popular dermaplane technique using a blade to gently exfoliate the top layer of skin and eliminate any peach fuzz. this forces old dead skin cells to rejuvinate making your skin visibly brighter. this allows your beautiful face to accept moisturizer and serums better making them more effective. dermaplane will also help makeup last longer and look brighter after application. check with our front desk or social media about seasonal specials with gabby!